Jan - 2018: 6 new paintings

Zugriffe: 6002

The Cat and the angel, acrylic on hardboard

Cat and the Angel, is a memorial to my beloved cat Squint, who died last year.It shows her, tumour and all, in dialogue with her fate.It is painted on a black background, using bright, glowing colours, a mixture of melancholie and mirth.

2018 01   The Cat and the angel

Snatches of Tramline, acrylic on canvas,40X33

Snatches of Tramline, is a quote from a poem by W.H.Auden, wonderful ! A description of a defunkt industrial lanscape in Northern England.Here I have used an almost monochrome palette, which is also a part of Exploring Black, a theme which interests me at the moment, of which Black and Light is also a part.

2018 01   Snatches of Tramline

Black and Light, a crylic on canvas, 45X55cm:

2018 01   Black and Light


Tall black city, 60X60cm

Tall Black City, a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson, to describe Edinburgh, where I spent a lot of time last year. 2018 01   Tall Black City

Tel Aviv, acrylic on canvas, 36X47cm

Tel Aviv,  a study in the use of diagona2018 01   Tel Aviv

Autumn Bouquet, acrylic on hardboard, 54X38cm 2018 01   Autumn Bouquet