Nov. 2019: Kunst trifft Handwerk

Hallo all of you out there !

I am preparing this year’s  KUNST trifft  Handwerk  which takes place the 7th December , 2019, and starts at 14.30, going on for as long as it takes!

Taking part ; 
        Jean-Jacques Schummer, ‘Bahdgé,- paintings, books
         Isabelle Salter-  ceramics,
         and myself - paintings  

It will be a delicious mixture of creative and witty ceramics, paintings, large and small,cards, and books.

As usual there will be delicious mulled wine, made by Stief, and many other Advently treats.

I hope to see some of you here, and wish you all a wonderful Advent, Christmas, and, of course, New Year.

Yours very sincerely, Prue Sheridan.


Some of my new paintings:


The Tree , acrylic , on Wood ,43X32cm

Commoedie, acrylic on  wood,32X43cm 

Companionship,  acrylic, oel pastell, on Wood, gerahmt; 43X32cm

2019 11 Companionship

Paar,   acrylic, on Wood, ; 43X32cm



The Faces of Saessolsheim

Hallo Friends and Others,


Introducing  ‘The Faces of Saessolsheim’, a series of portraits of members of our community, marvelous lived- in faces, some are farmers, some are artists, members of the church choir, some have experienced great tragedies in there lives, everything that life brings.I hope that I have succeeded to some extent to show this in the paintings.They are all small, 95X95 cms, acrylic and oil pastel, on canvas.


They will all be part of an exhibition in November in my studio in Saessolsheim,’ Art meets Craft,’ ‘Kunst trifft Handwerk’, more details later.

That’s all for now, keep well,  Sincerely, Prue.

 2019 08 07 Alain2019 08 07 Christian

2019 08 07 Jennifer2019 08 07 Mireille


In the meantime, look after yourselves


Visages de Saessolsheim

Dear All,

I am currently working on a new project named "Visages de Saessolsheim".
Please come back to my homepage to see these new pictures.

Best regards



Vendredi 31 août 2018 à partir de 18h30 au Cloître des Récollets à Saverne

Chers Amis, Chers amateurs d'art,

J'ai l'honneur de vous inviter au vernissage de l'exposition de Prue Sheridan qui aura lieu 
Vendredi 31 août 2018 à partir de 18h30 au Cloître des Récollets à Saverne.
Vous pourrez découvrir l'exposition du 1er septembre au 15 septembre, du mercredi au dimanche de 14h30 à 18h00.
J'ai rencontré Prue au détour d'une exposition. Interpellée par sa sensibilité et son regard sur le monde, cette artiste dans l'âme nous emmène dans la danse de son univers pictural.
Après une formation à Londres, en danse, théâtre et peinture, Prue Sheridan a d'abord mené une vie de danseuse professionnelle – une carrière en collaboration avec différentes compagnies, en particulier avec Alexander Roy london ballet theatre. En 1984 Prue s'installe en Allemagne, où elle est danseuse et chorégraphe à Osnabruek, Detmold et Dresde. A partir de 2003, elle retrouve sa passion pour la peinture, suivent plusieurs expositions, seule ou à plusieurs.
 Prue Sheridan vit à présent  en alsace.
Au plaisir de vous voir,
Céline Widemann
prue sheridan.jpg

Dec 2018: 5 new paintings

Hallo Everybody,

 Here we are almost at the end of 2018 , this year has flown !!!

After our home made  ‘Autumn Market ‘ on the 24 November, I thought I would share with you some of the smaller works  that I painted especially with 

This ‘market’ in mind, and, I must say, they were quite a success.

They are all painted on wood, surrounded by old wooden frames, which gave me the idea making them into mini Theatres, using such ideas as the Commedia dell’ Arte, or Shakespeare’s  A midsummer Night’s Dream, or yet again, The Audition.

They are all painted in acrylic colour, and varnished to a high gloss.They measure 28X21 cms. To 46X36.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, and everything  positive for 2019!!!

That’s all for now, sincerely, Prue.

Le Songe d'un Nuit D'et:2018 12 Isabella et Scapin


Le Grand Jetee:

2018 12 LAudition

Isabella et Sapin :

2018 12 La Songe dune nuit dete

Scaramouche et Fiorina:

2018 12 Scaramouche et Fiorina

 L' Audition:

2018 12 Le grand Jetee



May-2018: Headscapes - 7 new paintings

Hallo everybody,

Here is a small series of paintings, I call them collectively,
Headscapes, they are imaginary landscapes, incorporating
industriel and urban elements, a mixture I find potentially
exciting. They are painted on paper, using acrylic and oil pastel,
and measure 66X44 cms each.I hope you enjoy them !

That's all for now, have a good Summer, greetings, Prue.

Headscapes1:2018 05   Headscapes1



2018 05   Headscapes2


2018 05   Headscapes3


2018 05   Headscapes4



2018 05   Headscapes5



2018 05   Headscapes6



2018 05   Headscapes7